The Ritual with Anané and Louie Vega is a unique musical dancefloor experience
combining the unique talents of house music maestro and Grammy Award winner
Louie Vega with the internationally renowned dj/producer/artist and Nulu Records
label head Anané. The Ritual event has been experienced at beach clubs and
nightclubs around the world, and become a perennial essential bucket list event
for summer travelors to Ibiza, Greece and now Miami. Anané describes the
experience as follows, “Depending on what we play and the direction we go in
musically, that is what sets the tone for the party. We feed off
of each other, but we get to express ourselves individually. Louie shares how the audience benefits from
this distinct chemistry. The fact that I’m doing this with my life partner, it brings out
something special, the way the music is played, and the sentiment we have for
each other, the crowd feels that.